The last 11 months have been an absolute rollercoaster ride! As many of you know, my Mum was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer back in March last year and given just weeks to live (months if we were lucky). We were told that a biopsy was too high risk and to go home and prepare for the worst; she would receive palliative care only.
I had lost my father to liver cancer and my sister to breast cancer, so it was very important for us as a family to find out which cancer we were dealing with and whether there were any hereditary mutations. I sought a second opinion, moved Mum in with me and became her full time carer.
Since then, Mum had the biopsy without complications, which revealed that her tumour had a high PDL-1 score which opened the door for immunotherapy if the cancer spread. She received two weeks of radiotherapy and although the cancer has spread, we are now on the fourth cycle of immunotherapy and awaiting a scan to see whether it has made a difference.
We’re nearly a year on and although Mum uses a wheelchair and I am still caring for her, things are looking much more positive for now and we are enjoying our time together, even planning a family holiday in June for her 79th birthday! Always seek a second opinion and never give up hope❤️.
As my wonderful Co-Director Lis has taken on Wasteless Market, I remain in the background helping out as much as I can. Wasteless Market helps to keep me going and I look forward to the day when I can see your friendly faces again.
Teresa x
So happy to hear that your mum is responding well to immunotherapy. She is a fighter!
Sending healing vibes and best wishes to you all.
You are always in my thoughts.
Charmaine Francis